Goodwill Public School, an English Medium, Co-Education School Based on CBSE Curriculum


+91- 96798 11196
+91- 90645 33023


Office: 09:30 am - 01:30 pm (Mon -Fri)
Principal: 10:00 am - 01:00 pm (Mon-Fri)

Important Note to Parents of Holy Kid's Public School

1. Parents and guardians are requested to cooperate with the school authorities in all matters concerning the education of their children. Parents are to look into the school diary every evening and see to it that the lessons and home works assigned for the next day. Remarks made in the diary by the principal or the teacher should be seen and signed.

2. We don’t recommend that parents engage private tutors unnecessarily since they may prove injurious to the real progress of the pupil. Best to take extra tuition from their own teachers at school, if necessary.

3. Please urge your wards to be regular and punctual in all their classes and insist on neatness in their dress, textbooks, exercise books, and personal appearance.

4. Parents are always welcome to interview with an appointment to discuss the progress of the children. Teachers may be consulted regarding the progress of the children during the free period of the teachers or after class hours after taking an appointment through the principal. Parents are requested not to go direct to the classes for any reason whatsoever. This procedure will assist the school authorities in assuring the least disturbances to the efficient working of the classes.

5. It is not advisable to let your child be absent from classes for family or social functions. Adherence to the school calendar and punctuality for all classes spell success in the long run. If parents and guardians cooperate with the school authorities the success of their wards is assured. Parents are requested to ensure that the school/hostel fees are paid on time.